Friday, October 19, 2012

True to myself...

I constantly am working, sculpting, practicing new things, learning. Never feeling satisfied with my progress, however I never update or post most of the things I create.  I believe this is starting to hurt me and how I work, and how I feel about the work I do. I am the only one holding myself back from the quality of work I want to achieve. This blog will be the place for me to explore the ideas that are constantly running through my brain and track the progress made, something that I should have been doing for a  long time now. Working on things in secret or in fear of judgement, doesn't help me grow or learn as an artist, and it doesn't keep me accountable in anyway...this blog is intended to finally change that mentality....

As a kickstart to this, here are some of the things that I have been working on this past varying states of finish. Mainly creature things since that's what I love to think about when I'm not working on levels. 

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